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For Family Fun & Friendship

The Goostrey Village Hall & Playing Fields Foundation (VHPFF) is a charitable trust acting on a voluntary basis, owning and managing the playing fields on Booth Bed Lane and part of the Goostrey Village Hall on behalf of the residents of Goostrey and adjoining parishes.


As a non-profit making organisation the VHPFF charges £30.00 per household for annual membership and use of the facilities.


There are active tennis, bowling, croquet and football clubs with their own individual fees for club events and activities during dedicated times.  We are officially welcoming organisations representing most sections of the community for all age groups, with coaching for youth football and tennis and are currently offering reduced membership fees for the over 60's.


Further details can be found at

or by telephoning 01477 537864 / 534347 / 534160 

Published 31.01.18

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